How cyber attacks knocked out popular sites last week

On Friday, hackers attacked a major piece of the internet's infrastructure. This attack overwhelmed Pinterest, PayPal, CNN, Netflix, Fox News and about 80 other popular websites. The individual sites weren't attacked. Instead the hackers targeted something called a DNS server. Think of the DNS as a post office and the web sites as post office boxes. … Continue reading How cyber attacks knocked out popular sites last week

Top 3 Cybersecurity Tricks for National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Do you know how to keep yourself safe online? Cybersecurity has been in the news a lot lately, with talk of hackers attacking the GOP databases and the debate over Hillary Clinton’s emails, cybersecurity has become an issue of national concern. The Department of Homeland Security and the National Cyber Security Alliance named October National … Continue reading Top 3 Cybersecurity Tricks for National Cybersecurity Awareness Month